PE and Sport
To ensure that the PE curriculum finds its way into the heart of every learner; be that through the competitive element of sport or as part of the recreational dimension, to ensure they value physical activity and exercise.
The PE curriculum intends to foster a lifelong commitment to physical activity and healthy living by providing students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to engage in a broad and balanced range of physical activities with increasing confidence and competence.
The PE curriculum must provide a release from the stresses of everyday life, including those associated with mental health issues, but should also seek to push pupils to their maximum fitness levels for prolonged periods in class. This should happen through a wide range of physical activity and sport with an extensive extracurricular offer to follow the unit of work. The PE curriculum must reinforce and develop the following life skills:
- Build character, leadership, resilience, determination and a belief that our best is ALWAYS good enough.
- To be OUR BEST is what matters and not to be the best.
- It should provide opportunities for students to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness (NC, 2013)
The early years of the curriculum should feed seamlessly into the later years, ensuring that the skills and knowledge are secured through the 5 years, culminating in outstanding pupil outcomes.
If you wish to discuss the PE and Sport Curriculum further please contact Mr Middleton, Curriculum Leader for PE on jmiddleton@copleyacademy.org.uk.