Reading Plus Programme to Support Students

Following a successful trial last year, the Reading Plus programme has been implemented for all classes across Key Stage 3 at Copley Academy. Students now receive one hour a week...
Written by Andrew Thewell, 23rd November 2022

Following a successful trial last year, the Reading Plus programme has been implemented for all classes across Key Stage 3 at Copley Academy.

Students now receive one hour a week during English lessons to access the Reading Plus site where they complete reading tasks which focus on comprehension, inference, comparison, vocabulary and literacy skills.

The programme has seen enthusiastic take up by students, with some already having completed over 50 individual reading sessions, being exposed to over 60,000 words. Students are also receiving awards for their progress. The top attaining students each week are submitted for praise in assembly and certificates to take home are handed out.

The English Department are keen for all students to access this resource to its fullest, and Reading Plus is available for all students to use at home by signing in with their individual login details. Alternatively, students can complete their weekly allocation of reading and vocabulary tasks after school in the LRC.