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JCQ Information for Candidates
The link below will take you to an information document from JCQ examination board with instructions and regulations for candidates.
GCSE formulae and equation sheets now available
The DfE confirmed in November that, in 2023, students are not required to memorise formulae for GCSE Maths and equations for GCSE Physics and Combined Science.
We’re pleased to announce that the 2023 formulae and equations sheets for GCSE Maths and GCSE Physics and Combined Science are now available to download. These are the same formulae and equations sheets that were used for the summer 2022 series and, for Maths only, the November 2022 series, but the date has been changed to 2023. Students will be provided with clean copies of these sheets in exams
You can download the new sheets at the links below:
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Another set of providers today for #NAW2025 thanks to @PennineCareNHS and @OldhamCollege
On Monday a group of Music students had the opportunity to visit the Royal Northern College of Music. They had a fantastic experience! Thanks to Miss Anderson for taking them.
It’s Internet Safety Day and Year 7 have been participating in an online conference to not only learn more about staying safe online but also careers in the police force as part ot National Apprenticeship Week #NAW2025 #SaferInternetDay2025
Day one of National Apprenticeship week and three providers joined us at lunchtime today to meet with students. Thanks to @TamesideCollege @thegrowthcomp and @NHSEngland
Massive thanks to @KingsTrust who delivered their excellent enterprise challenge to pur BTEC Enterprise students.
Annual Selection Box Delivery for all students and staff. Have a great Christmas and we will see you in the New Year. Stay Safe. 🎅🎄🎅🎄🎅🎄🎅
We are delighted to announce 21 of our students are published writers!
It was the annual staff panto today- oh yes it was!!! Three performances of Peter Pan to the students.
Mental health ambassadors getting ready for their festive bake sale