Academy Uniform

The observation of our uniform policy gives the academy a greater standing in the community and instills a sense of pride in the students.

Copley Academy endeavour to keep the cost of purchasing school uniform to a minimum, to do this the school has negotiated with two suppliers to provide branded items and the use of non-branded items has been agreed on a number of items. Non-branded items can be purchased from any stockist. The Trust Board considered the cost of uniform in July 2022 to ensure it was affordable. To reduce costs the first school tie is provided free of charge.

A high standard of personal appearance is expected of, and from, all students. Through our uniform policy we aim to:

  • encourage pride in the academy;
  • encourage a sense of equality and cohesion;
  • enable students to be identified in the community as students of Copley Academy and promote a strong, positive image of the academy;
  • help develop a strong sense of working together as a team;
  • support learning and teaching;
  • provide a safe and secure environment in which students learn important life skills;

All students will be expected to wear full uniform correctly at all times including on journeys to and from the academy and to remember that they represent Copley Academy.

We expect parents to support us in the detail as well as the principle of the academy uniform and to ensure their son/daughter wears it smartly and correctly. Parents should not buy items of uniform that are not on the list or specified below.

If in doubt about any aspect of the uniform parents should contact the Academy before making a purchase.

We do have a small amount of preowned uniform available at the Academy. Please contact us by emailing, for more information.

The Uniform

All items of our branded uniform are available from our approved suppliers. We strongly recommend that all items of uniform and PE kit be marked with the student’s name.

  • Black blazer with Academy logo


  • School issue skirt with Academy logo (no shorter than just above the knee)


  • Black tailored trousers (These must be appropriate for school wear. This does not include tight fitting styles, leggings, jeans or tracksuit bottoms; denim, canvas, jersey, lycra or linen fabrics are not suitable or permitted.)
  • Long or short sleeved white shirt (worn with top button fastened to hold clip-on tie), which should remained tucked in
  • Academy clip on tie (first tie provided free of charge when the student starts)
  • Black socks or tights
  • Black, flat, sensible shoes. (Black or other coloured trainers are not permitted, nor is any footwear with coloured trims)
  • A plain black apron for Art, Design and Food Technology, these can be purchased from the Academy

PE Kit

  • Black and green polo shirt with Academy logo
  • Black shorts (cycling shorts can only be worn under PE shorts)
  • Black socks
  • Trainers
  • Additional PE Kit – students can wear plain black jogging bottoms/leggings and a plain black tracksuit top or hoodie in colder weather.
  • Usually students prefer to have a separate drawstring bag for PE.

Outdoor Clothing

  • An outdoor coat may be worn to the academy but must be removed on arrival and placed in a locker until the end of the day.


  • Hairstyles/haircuts which are extreme in colour or style are not permitted.
  • Unnatural hair colours are NOT permitted. The interpretation of ‘unnatural’ is as follows: a colour that is not found within the natural hair colour spectrum, namely a bright, extreme or vivid colour, or a combination of colours where each is easily visible or stark in contrast.
  • Hair accessories should be simple and unobtrusive. For safety reasons, long hair will need to be tied back in certain lessons, for example PE, DT and Science.
  • If a headscarf is worn for reasons of religious observance then it should be plain black. Please note that other items of religious clothing which could hinder learning and prevent positive social interaction may not be permitted – if you have any specific queries please discuss these directly with the Principal.


We advise that students do not wear expensive items in the academy as we cannot be responsible for their loss

  • Students may wear one pair of small stud earrings, one in either ear lobe, and a watch. Apple watches and similar wrist-worn devices are not permitted.
  • For PE earrings MUST be removed on health and safety ground.
  • Other body piercings are not permitted.


  • A small amount of discreet, naturalistic cover up or foundation is allowed. No other make up is to be worn; this includes enhancements such as false eyelashes, acrylic or gel nails.
  • Eyebrows should be of natural shape and colour; “High Definition” tints or similar permanent or semi permanent enhancements are not permitted.
  • Students will be asked to remove excess cosmetics immediately.

Students in years 7-11 are expected to wear correct uniform at all times; The uniform is practical, widely available and involves the minimum expense for parents.Our school uniform suppliers are MCS and Debonair. These suppliers are based in Ashton under Lyne.

Our Uniform Stockists:

Top Marks Schoolwear

82 Old Street



Tel: 0161 343 2900

MCS Stores Schoolwear

32 Market Street



Tel: 0161 339 9845

Facebook: MCS Stores (For Offers, Discounts & Updates)

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