Learning Resource Centre

The Copley Academy LRC is a large purpose built facility and it is open before during and after the school day. It includes the school library, 32 computers with internet access and most of the programs used in school and additional study spaces for over 30 pupils.
There are two printers (black and colour), an interactive whiteboard and a Coomber listening station. It is staffed by a full time Learning Resource Centre Manager to guide and assist pupils with their reading and information requirements. Our careers section is also housed in LRC and is the base for our careers advisers when they are in school.
Opening Times
- Monday – Thursday 8.00 a.m. to 3.45 p.m.
- Friday 8.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Open during break for changing books and during lunchtime for all year groups.
“At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold, that magic threshold into a library, we change their lives forever, for the better”
― Barack Obama
The LRC manager is assisted by a small team of pupil librarians who are trained on using the Eclipse Library Management system. They are available at lunchtime to issue and return books, process new books, shelve returned books and assist other pupils.
There is a large selection of non-fiction books covering all curriculum areas and the main topics studied in school. This section also includes books of general interest on sports and hobbies, a small reference collection and a revision collection.
Our fiction section has a large selection of books most of which are on the Accelerated Reader programme and are labelled accordingly. Our fiction books cover a wide range of genres and authors both old and new. In addition, there are classic reads, quick reads, picture books, short story collections and graphic novels. There is also a small selection of young adult novels for our KS4 readers. Pupils are able to request books if we do not currently hold them in our collections.
Our computerised library database Eclipse.net hosted is accessed via a tile on RM unify. This allows pupils to search for books or information using a number of search criteria and locate them in the LRC stock.
They are also able to login using their library barcode number and password to check their own library account for the status of book loans, making reservations, writing reviews, reading e-books or seeing recommended reads. Eclipse also has web links to educational websites to help with topic work and research. Eclipse is available for pupils and staff to use from home via the school website and there is an app available for mobile technology via a Micro Librarian Systems (iMLS) app.
Overdrive E – Library
In addition to our printed books stock we have a selection of Overdrive digital e-books available to read on line in your browser or download to your e-readers. Pupils will need their library barcode number and passwords to access ebooks. Pupils should receive their library barcode during their library inductions shortly after starting in year 7. Please see Mrs Holding if you have forgotten your user number or password.
E-books can be accessed on a computer with an internet connection via:
1. Overdrive tile on RM Unify from school or home (also via Eclipse tile)Directly from the Overdrive
2. website and selecting Copley Academy Library
3. Mobile Technology, e-readers, iPads, iPods and mobile phones by downloading the overdrive app.
The LRC manager is always available for help and advice.
Benefits of E-books
- Automatically return after two weeks no need to remember return dates
- Font size and styles can be changed to make reading more comfortable
- Background lighting can be changed to make reading more comfortable
- Words can be defined instantly via a built in dictionary
- Words or sections of text can be highlighted and notes added
- Bookmark pages and return to bookmarks, notes and highlight sections with one click.
Accelerated Reader
Year 7 and 8 pupils are enrolled on the Accelerated Reader programme. After a short reading test they are given a reading level and choose a book at that level which they read and then complete a quiz in order to progress through the levels. This programme monitors reading and comprehension and helps them develop and improve reading and comprehension skills needed for their studies and for success in exams. Pupils access quizzes via the AR orange tile on RM unify using their network user name and password.
AR Book finder
Pupils can use the AR BookFinder tile on RM unify to access AR BookFinder which is a really useful tool to search for books with quizzes or books at a particular level, genre or interest age. This includes all books on AR not just the ones available from the school library so is great if you want to check a book you own, are thinking of adding a book to your collection or want to compile a wish list of books to read.
Both Accelerated Reader and AR BookFinder are available on-line so you can access them from home.
Reading Challenge
After finishing the AR programme pupils can take a reading challenge aimed at encouraging them to explore a range of genres and periods of literature both classic and contemporary. They are asked to work their way through a list of challenges from bronze to gold.
Promoting Reading
The LRC have events throughout the year designed to encourage pupils to read for pleasure and share their love of reading with others. This is done by working throughout the school and taking part in national initiatives such as Book Buzz, World Book Day, Roald Dahl Day, Story Telling Month, National Poetry Day and many more. We also organise our own fun events such as poetry open mics, competitions, quizzes and author visits in collaboration with the English department. Events are advertised on the school website, LRC blog and noticeboards, via form tutors and the school newsletter.