Home Learning
At Copley Academy we firmly believe that homework should be about learning and not just work or tasks and that any homework learning which takes place is meaningful, enriching and of quality rather than about quantity.
This philosophy is built around the concept that all students’ enthusiasm for learning can continue beyond the classroom with the appropriate activity, timing and support. The academy is committed to providing homework as part of our effort to raise standards of opportunity, equality and equity. Subsequently the Academy has in place the following guidelines to ensure a consistent approach by all stakeholders:
Staff at Copley Academy will…
- ensure that homework supports the learning of all students within each subject and is not just completing an exercise.
- ensure that homework set is differentiated and manageable by all students.
- set homework regularly as agreed in the school’s homework timetable. (See below)
- ensure students are provided with support and do not feel that there is any retribution or embarrassment for homework that is not complete in full.
- set homework via Microsoft TEAMs/Class Charts/School Planner, and a summary of each half term’s homework can be found on the school website.
- communicate home any concerns that they have about individuals and their completion of homework.
- diagnose barriers to home learning based around academic, organisational, motivational and personal needs and will provide appropriate support.
Students at Copley Academy will…
- ensure that all homework will be recorded in their planner.
- ensure that they complete homework to the best of their ability.
- ensure they make their teachers aware of any issues regarding homework before the due date.
- seek help from their peers or staff if they need any guidance or support, which can be achieved through TEAMs or emails
Parents or carers will…
- support and observe their child in the completion of homework, but not teach nor complete the homework.
- communicate with staff about any homework concerns prior to due date.
- Compromise with their child to ensure that they have a fair balance of social time alongside completing their homework.
- appreciate that one child might need more support than another- remember Year 7 pupils are often just a Junior School pupil in a tie!
- appreciate that if there are any continuing issues or queries regarding homework can be communicated to your child’s Head of Key Stage.
- record on their child’s work if they have spent the appropriate length of time attempting to complete a piece of work but have been unable to complete it; homework is about demonstrating learning rather than task completion. Please make sure you put the amount of time spent, the date and your signature.
Our main providers are:
Guidance to having meaningful involvement and conversations with your child about homework.
- At Copley Academy we appreciate that homework is often at the source of family disagreements and can often be a challenge to fit into the commitments of the household. Therefore, we recommend the following guidelines to have effective and non-confrontational discussions about homework-
- Ask your child what they are learning in school and what they are enjoying.
- Ask what assignments they have been set and check this against Class Charts.
- Ask your child if they think that they have an appropriate space and resources to complete any home learning.
- Ask your child to showcase any homework that they are completing and that they are proud of to provide an opportunity to praise.
- Note when your child is completing homework or additional learning without any support and ensure that you praise and reward accordingly.
- Ask if there are any barriers to completing homework.
- Check that your child has a healthy balance of home learning and social time.
- We appreciate all our pupils’ family’s thoughts and views about homework and would encourage you to complete the following survey so that your views can be taken into account with regards to any home learning.
Please find below Homework Grids for each year group that summarises what home learning is being set by the different academic subjects this half term. Each student will be sticking these summaries into their exercise books to allow them to plan ahead, whilst making clear expectations around homework.
Please keep in mind that there may be some differences to the grids in your child’s book, as staff may make amendments based on teaching groups and progress to achieve personalisation and differentiation. If there are not subjects represented in these grids please speak directly to the Head of Department for that subject.
Allocation each fortnight per Year Group. We expect our KS3 students to spend about 20-30 minutes per piece of homework, roughly 70-90 minutes per day.
Subject | Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
English | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Maths | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Science | 2 | 2 | 2 |
History | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Geography | 1 | 1 | 1 |
RS | Every HT | Every HT | Every HT |
ICT | 1 | 1 | 1 |
PE/Sport | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Art | Every HT | Every HT | Every HT |
Technology | Every Rotation | Every Rotation | Every Rotation |
MFL | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Music | Every HT | Every HT | Every HT |
Drama | Every HT | Every HT | Every HT |
Allocation each fortnight per Year Group. We expect our KS4 students to spend about 30-45minutes minutes per piece of homework, roughly 90-135 minutes per day.
Subject | Year 10 | Year 11 |
English | 2 | 2 |
Maths | 2 | 2 |
Science | 2 | 2 |
All GCSE/BTEC Options* | 2 | 2 |
*please note that core PE and RS do not have homework
Please find below Homework Grids for each year group that summarises what homework is being set by the different academic subjects this half term. Each student will be sticking these summaries into their exercise books to allow them to plan ahead, whilst making clear expectations around homework. Please keep in mind that there may be some differences to the grids in your child’s book, as staff may make amendments based on teaching groups and progress. If there are not subjects represented in these grids please speak directly to the Head of Department for that subject.
For this half term’s home learning programme for all our students please see the link below.

Homework Grids
Homework Grids for each year group that summarises examples of what homework is being set by the different academic subjects this half term.