Mathematics includes the study of such topics as numbers, formulas and related structures, shapes and spaces in which they are contained, and quantities and their changes.
Maths Curriculum
A GREAT mathematics pupil will:
- Be fluent mathematicians preparing them for real life, being work place ready and having an appreciation of how mathematics is used in the community
- Be knowledgeable of mathematical ideas
- Have the resilience to try different methods to problems
- Make connections between different concepts to see the bigger picture / Pupils are able to solve problems in unfamiliar context
- Become independent learners, determined to fill gaps in their knowledge
- Have a spark, flair and passion for learning. They will be hungry for new learning and enjoy mathematics. They will be proud and enthusiastic mathematicians
- Be creative in their reasoning and application
- Be confident to develop their own generalisations. Pupils can confidently communicate their mathematics understanding including key vocabulary

White Rose Maths
Our Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) curriculum is based on the White Rose approach. Created by specialist maths teachers who continually develop their offer in response to national requirements.
As a department, we are setting all of our homework on Hegarty Maths for Years 7-11. Year 11 will also receive other homework such as past papers. Hegarty Maths homework – a Hegarty Maths task is set for students to complete as homework each week.
The Hegarty Maths task will be set on something that students have learnt previously. The reason for this is twofold: to allow students the opportunity to practice retrieving the subject content and to allow staff the opportunity to see what students have learnt rather than performed in a previous lesson.
Key Stage 4
Our Key Stage 4 students follow the Edexcel 9-1 specification.
In order to improve your recall and retrieval skills, you need to be doing as much Maths as possible! Here are some excellent websites that you can use to revise with as well as your Hegarty Maths:
Maths Genie (Great for past papers, worked solutions, walkthrough videos etc)
Corbett Maths 5-a-day (Just 5 questions covering different topics each day – perfect for retrieval practice)
As well as independent study, students in Year 11 are also given extra Maths intervention. This takes place on a Monday Period 6 and/or on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in form time. This extra intervention will allow students to close any gaps in learning from content missed during Covid.
If you wish to discuss the Mathematics Curriculum further please contact Mr Phillips, Associate Assistant Principal/Head of Maths on sphillips@copleyacademy.org.uk.